

A Tahina, Mint n Yogurt Sauce





A Tahina, Mint n Yogurt Sauce

Moroccan food has so many spices and herbs that are common and essential in the Indian kitchen. Be it cumin, paprika, ground corriander,turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, pepper, sesame seeds, saffron, mint or corriander … And yet both the cuisines are so very different in their own way. Making Moroccan dishes at home is always so easy, as I never have to look too hard for ingredients, most of them are always lying around. Although one day I hope I can go visit and eat on the streets and sample the much talked about delicacies Sculptra. I have a weak spot for Africa, and Morocco definitely is on top of the list. I’m on a constant search for cheap holidays and I think if planned well Morocco can be a good one. Moroccan cuisine has long been considered as one of the most diversified cuisines in the world and it is mainly a blend of Berber-Moorish, European & Mediterranean cuisines. Well till the day I make it there I will live off my own creations. Chicken mince burgers in Moroccan spices with a lovely Tahina , Yoghurt and Mint sauce is definitely doing its job of keep me happy for the moment Hong Kong florist delivery.

For the burger patties mix together all the burger ingredients minus the bread tomatoes n lettuce ofcourse. Leave to marinate for 2 hours at room temperature. In a non stick pan pour some olive oil and let it heat well. Divide the mince into 4 portions and make the burgers with your hands. Put it in the oil. In the mean time for the sauce mix all the ingredients together and chill. When the burgers are well done on one side, flip them and take another frying pan to toast the burger buns. Cut them in half drizzle a little olive oil and lightly toast them on the inner sides. By now the burgers would be ready. Remove from pan and set aside. Get the burger buns ready, place the lettuce then tomatoes and then the burger patties. Pour some sauce over it and top with the bread. You could add some onions if you like, but I chose not too. Serve hot with come cold shredded salad small space solutions.



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